The NECO 2024/2025 examination is about to commence, don’t panic.
In this article, you will get to learn about how to get good grades in NECO Examination 2024/2025 without cheating if you have prepared already.
To say the fact, there are absolutely no new ideas about this kind of article. Perhaps you have already read what looks similar to it elsewhere.
Yes, that is obviously true. How to pass NECO guides is very rampant on the internet.
But I intentionally decided to publish this article by the time the NECO examination is already around the corner.

Sometimes, we read a lot of guides without utilizing them as a result of some factors.
Either we have already forgotten about it or we intentionally decide not to follow such a guide.
Nevertheless, this guide on how to pass NECO 2024/2025 is published to serve as a remembrance for you when you get into the Exam hall centre to write your NECO examination.
As you may have already known, SCHOOLINFOSPOT gives accurate and reliable information regarding all you need to know about NECO, and WAEC every year.
This is why you have to sit tight and enjoy this short article that will serve a long purpose. Let’s dive in!
If you are looking for Expo or other Illegal tips kindly leave this page ASAP Thank you! This guide is only helpful if you have prepared already. Also, if you are among those who believe in Miracles, this is not for you.
How to Get Good Grades in NECO Examination 2024/2025
To learn how to pass NECO examination 2024/2025 follow the short tips below.
Understand the NECO exam questions
Learn how NECO usually takes its exams by studying the exam schedule and previous questions. Never underestimate the power of the curriculum when taking your NECO exam.
In addition, if you are asked to define something please don’t just use one definition.
Try as much as possible to write the definition vividly, this will enable the marker to know that you actually understand the meaning of the definition.
And this will get you a full mark in that question.
For example, you were asked to Explain what Citizen means in Civic Education.
You must not use a simple definition like “Citizen is someone who has legal rights in a country“.
Not recommended definition ❌❌
PRIMARY SCHOOL DEFINITION. If you try this throughout your NECO examination, you will never get B talkless of A in any paper. I will show you how to answer any question based on explaining something below.
You will just be getting C or even D and you will wonder that despite the fact you know all the questions being asked you still don’t get A why?
This is because you did the examination as you did BECE/Junior WAEC.
NECO is an advanced examination that will determine your future in a high institution, to get good grades in NECO examination 2024/2025, you have to show the marker that you know exactly what you are being asked in any question by providing details explanation.
If possible, make reference as this will lead to good NECO result.
Now, back to the previous example above based on what Citizen means. The recommended way to explain what Citizen means is below;
A citizen can simply be defined as someone who has a legal right in a country. It can also be explained as an inhabitant of a certain country. In other words, a citizen is a legally recognized person either native or honorary. It is also worth mentioning that a citizen is someone who pledges allegiance to his government and is entitled to all fundamental human rights.
Recommended definition✅✅
I’m confident that, if you answer any question based on the “definition or explanation” of anything like the one above, your chances of getting A parallel is high.
Don’t Involve in Any Suspicious Activity
I’m sure you are aware that I’m talking about Examination Malpractice here.
Don’t do it, don’t smuggle phones into the hall. If you are caught, you would be in trouble.
Don’t Depend on Expo
Everyone knows about this right?
But don’t depend on it, try to have something in your brain in case the expo fails.
Not every time examination runz will be successful.
There will be a day Expo will not be possible and if not, are you going to fail? Yes, you will, because you depend on it.
To cut to the chase, don’t rely on Expo too much. Try as much as possible to read extensively.
Join a NECO study group or class
After you have read about the NECO Timetable, you have to act as fast as you can.
It has been confirmed that conducting group questions usually contributes to effective understanding.
Ask fellow readers questions, answer their questions, and read together to help you retain and master what you read.
Make your handwriting easy to read
Like all other exams, your handwriting is very important.
That’s why it’s important to improve your handwriting before every examination, not NECO alone even WAEC examination also.
Make sure your handwriting is legible so the marker (examiner) can see it.
Most makers don’t really have time to tire their eyes excessively because of the large amount of work ahead. Therefore, they tend to lower someone’s score badly.
Get to the Center As Soon as Possible
The current season in Nigeria is the rainy season.
This means that you should always prepare early. Go to school early, even if your paper is in the afternoon. There may be persistent rainfall in the morning.
And I’m sure you know they won’t wait for you. Just make sure you are within the school premises any time you have paper.
Try to Study NECO Timetable each Day
It advisable to print out NECO Timetable and paste in anywhere close to you.
Do this so you won’t lose track of time.
Not only NECO Exam, print WAEC Timetable 2024/2025 also.
Check your answers before submitting
This is done to catch mistakes and errors.
Therefore, always take the time to review your work prior to final submission.
Also, be very careful with your objective question.
Don’t make a mistake in the shading of answers.
Concentrate well by focusing on each number you intend to shade.
Confirm the question number from the question paper before shading it in the answer sheets. Double-check your spellings in the theory section.
If you are writing English, re-review your essay before you submit. Noone above mistakes, there may be slight grammatical errors in your expression.
Try to utilize your remaining time wisely.
I’m confident that this article has given you one information or another regarding how to get good grades in NECO examination 2024/2025.
So, why not share it with someone who may need it? You can share it by copying the link to this page in your browser.
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His name is Ibrahim Olamide ” the CEO of SCHOOLINFOSPOT He is a writer, poet, educational consultant, and also reporter who cherishes reporting the latest updates in educational news around the world. Also, he is committed to assisting the learners in terms of learning and other aspects. |UNILORITE|
I have learned a lot. Thank you so much.
i need neco yoruba question and answer
I don’t know if examination malpractice has become a normal thing in different schools.
Almost everyone is involved in this and when the results comes out you see people have As.
And I keep asking this question do they merit it?
Is it their result, the one they write on their own?
Anywheres, we’re in the world.
For this article, it really helped thanks so much.
I wonder if students still have time for their studies at all ,each student now do have believe and confidence in malpractice of which is not good,at least we the student we need to have time for our studies not been lazy with studies all the time ,any way shah this article is advising
Neco is really neco so we all have to study hard