UNILORIN Post UTME 2024/2025 is out, how to register for it for both UTME and DE candidates, Guidelines, Requirements, Recommended books for the examination, Whatsapp Group chat link, and Additional information about the post utme form.
University of Ilorin, UNILORIN Post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and direct entry (DE) screening forms for 2024/2025 academic session. The UNILORIN Post UTME for 2024/2025 is now available for online purchase.
The registration will start from November 23th, 2023 to December 3rd, 2023. Only applicants who took the university in the first choice in the current UTME and who reached the minimum cut off mark of 180 or more can apply online.
As a prospective applicant, check out the Unilorin school fess for fresher 2024/2025
UNILORIN Post UTME form 2024/2025
Applications for the 2024/2025 academic session are welcome from candidates who are eligible for admission to the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) for various Undergraduate programmes.
Please note that incorrect entries will automatically disqualify the candidate.
Registration Instructions for Unilorin post utme form 2024/2025
(i) Registration Period is from November 23th, 2023 to December 3rd, 2023.
(ii) All candidates shall upload their O’ Level and/or A’ Level results where applicable on the
JAMB CAPS: Candidates who are awaiting results should so indicate by writing ‘AR’.
(iii) Change of Course: If required, this should be done on both the Unilorin and JAMB
PORTALS for it to be valid.
(iv) Ensure that you have a personal, valid and active email address and phone number NOT
(Cybercafé’s) before commencing the registration process.
(v) Proceed to pay Registration fee of N2,000.00 only. (See B.vi. below)
(vi) Please crosscheck all entries for correctness before final submission.
(vii) Candidates should note that it is possible for them to correct errors in their entries
while the registration process is still on.
(viii) Candidates should print out their screening document and make sure that all
information entered are correctly displayed. If not correctly displayed, candidates are
advised to re-enter their information.
See the answer to this “DOES Unilorin Accept Second Choice?
Step-by-step registration methods
(i) Log in using https://uilugportal.unilorin.edu.ng OR visit http://www.unilorin.edu.ng and click
undergraduate portal. Candidates are advised NOT TO USE ANY OTHER LINK.
(ii) On the Admission Menu displayed on the left-hand side of your screen, click
Pre-admission Screening Registration.
(iii) Complete the displayed fields (e.g. JAMB Registration Number).
(iv) Candidates should click on the Get Details button for UTME/DE information.
(v) Complete all necessary details as required on the displayed page (e.g. O’ level and or A’ level
grades or ‘AR’ for Awaiting results).
(vi) Click on make payment button to go to Remita platform.
- Select your ATM card type (e.g. Visa or Master Card).
- Enter your ATM Card Number which is the 12 digits number on the card.
- Enter ATM card expiry date and the card CVV (the 3 digits on the reverse side of the Card)
- Lastly enter your card pin number; and
- Click on Pay.
Please note: Do not Refresh your browser while the payment process is ongoing to avoid
multiple deductions from your account. If unsure, please wait for some hours for
the possibility of getting a debit alert from your bank. If you have problems with
your previous payment, enter your JAMB Registration Number on the Pre-
Admission Screening Registration page and click ‘here’ to resolve it.
(vii) Upon successful payment,
• now click on ‘admission login’ on the left hand side of the undergraduate portal:
• enter your JAMB Registration Number and Surname; and click ‘login’
(viii) click on ‘next step’ button to continue, and complete all necessary details;
(ix) click ‘submit’ button when you are sure all information have been accurately provided.
Note: Candidates who wish to upgrade from UTME to Direct Entry after the close of Post-
UTME screening registration should check the link ‘upgrade UTME to DE’ which is
available on the Unilorin web site Pre-Admission screening page.
D(i) The step-by-step Registration Procedures in B, (i – ix) above also applies to D/E candidates.
(ii) In addition to (i) above, Direct Entry candidates are required to select their highest academic
qualification from the drop-down and click on ‘Save’. Candidates are expected to click ‘OK’ on the
dialog box when concluded.
(iii) Thereafter click on ‘save’ when concluded;
Candidates are advised to carefully enter their results as any error will be deemed as deliberate falsification of results, which would lead to automatic disqualification at any stage of discovery.
UNILORIN Post UTME Eligibility
Only candidates who applied through JAMB for the 2023 UTME who chosed the University of Ilorin as their first choice and achieve 180 or more are eligible for this screening exercise.
Read about the Courses Offered in UNILORIN and Their Cut-Off Marks 2024/2025
How to obtain UNILORIN post utme form 2024/2025
- How to get UNILORIN Post UTME form
- Registration Instructions – Print this page before you start registration.
- All applicants may need to upload their “O” and “A” Level Results to JAMB CAPS: applicants expecting results must show this in writing with AR;
- Any candidate wishing to change the course they are applying for must ensure that the changes are made on the JAMB PORTAL;
- Make sure you have a valid and active email address and phone number before you start registration.
- Applicants for UTME who are eligible for the originally selected course can continue to make payments by providing the required information. However, UTME applicants who are not eligible for the originally selected course are advised to change based on the options shown;
- The registration fee for each candidate is only N2000;
- Please note that all changes must of course also be made on the JAMB portal;
- Before making a final submission, make sure all entries are correct.
Don’t forget to check out UNILORIN School fees structure for both freshers and returning students
How to apply for UNILORIN post UTME 2024/2025
To register for UNILORIN post UTME form, follow the instructions below:
- Log in with https://uilugportal.unilorin.edu.ng OR visit http://unilorin.edu.ng and click on the student portal.
- From the menu on the left side of the screen, click Register for Pre-Playback;
Fill in the displayed fields (eg JAMB registration number) - Applicants must click the Get Details About Your JAMB Information button to view;
- If you do not qualify for the original course, select an alternative course from the displayed courses that you previously changed on the JAMB portal;
- On the page that appears, enter all the required details (eg level “O” and or “A” or pending results).
- Awaiting result will be acceptable as long as admission is in progress.
- Click the Make button to go to the Remita platform.
- Select your ATM type (eg Visa or Master Card);
- Enter your card number which is 12 digit card number;
- Enter the card expiration date and CW CW on the card (3 digits on the back of the card) and finally enter the PIN on your card; and
- Click Pay
Please note: (Do not update your browser while the checkout process is in progress to avoid multiple charges from your account. If nothing is displayed after 10 minutes, close your browser and restart). - When the payment is successful, click Enter on the left side of the screen
- Enter your JAMB registration number and surname and click Enter
- If you do not qualify for the original course, select an alternative course from the displayed courses that you previously modified on the JAMB portal;
- Click the next step button to continue, and then click OK in the message dialog box after you have provided all the required information.
- Click the Submit button if you are sure all the information has been entered correctly.
Unilorin post utme for Direct Entry (DE)
- Direct Entry (DE) candidates
- The step by step Registration Procedure above also applies to DE candidates too.
- Also, Direct Entry candidates are required to select their Highest Academic Qualification(s) from the drop-down and click on Save. On the dialogue box click OK when concluded;
- To add more Higher Academic Qualifications, click on qualifications drop-down to select as appropriate;
- click on save when concluded;
- Candidates are required to carefully enter their results as any error will be deemed as deliberate falsification of results, which will lead to automatic disqualification at any stage of discovery.

How much is unilorin post Utme form 2024/2025?
The amount for UNILORIN Post UTME form is #2000 only and it is paid online during registration.
Does unilorin do post Utme or screening?
Yes, UNILORIN does both.
Although, it is based on the circumstances.
For example, the UTME/DE mode of entry 2024/2025 is a screening exercise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Post-UTME examination is Unilorin’s first mode of entry into the Institution.
Is Unilorin writing post utme or screening for 2024/2025?
Post utme is a Computer Based Test CBT comprises of 50 questions only in English, Mathematics, and General knowledge (current affairs).
The Unilorin post UTME is done inside the Campus.
Screening Exercise is just an internal screening that is based on reviewing candidates’ results like O-level, A-level, and UTME.
Is Unilorin post utme form 2024/2025 out?
Have you read about Unilorin departmental aggregate cut off mark 2024/2025?
The University Of Ilorin (UNILORIN) Post UTME Screening form 2024/2025 is OUT.
However, UNILORIN Post UTME registration will commence officially on the November 23th, 2023 to December 3rd, 2023.
Is unilorin doing post Utme or screening this year/will unilorin write post utme 2023?
Yes, Unilorin will conduct Post UTME for the year 2024/2025 admission exercise.
UNILORIN Post UTME Closing Date 2024/2025 (Deadline)
University Of Ilorin, UNILORIN Post UTME form registration will run for 4 weeks.
Therefore, the Unilorin post utme 2024/2025 will end on December 3t, 2023.
Is Unilorin post UTME examination hard?
Yes! If you do not prepare for it well. Unilorin Post UTME examination is a very technical but simple question.
However, the only advice I can give you is to go and purchase “THE INVINCIBLE TEACHER“.
Although, this book will only educate you in concord of grammar aspect.
So, here is another book I will recommend for you I used this book to excel when I did mine some years ago.
Find Unilorin GNS textbook look for a unilorin student who has the book and start reading it from Chapter seven “LEVEL OF GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS” If you surely read everything you will succeed in the Unilorin post UTME 2024/2025.
Have you decided fully about the course you wish to study? If not, there is still time to check out more Courses offered in unilorin and their cut off marks 2022/23

Ways To Avoid errors During Unilorin Post UTME Registration
The list below are the best guides to avoid error when applying for Unilorin Post UTME Registration form 2024/2025;
- Make sure you confirm and provide your correct JAMB registration number
- Avoid photos with dark backgrounds
- Avoid blurry image
- Try to use and reliable internet cafe near you
- Make sure you have a good and strong network connection before you commence registering
- Make sure the photo you want to use as a PASSPORT on the Unilorin portal is clear.
- Make sure you are using a working mobile number. You can use any number, it doesn’t have to be the number you used to register for JAMB.
- Make sure the number belongs to you.
- Select the desired course as filled in your JAMB UTME/Course Change Form, if specified
- Check your form and make sure there are no errors before and after submitting it.
What is the General JAMB Cut off Mark to be eligible for Unilorin Post UTME application form?
As have mentioned above, to be able to purchase Unilorin application form 2024/2025 online, you must score 180 in the recently completed Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) 2024/2025.
What is the UNILORIN Post UTME Form?
Think of the UNILORIN Post UTME form as your invitation to the party that is the University of Ilorin.
It’s the first step in letting the University know, “Hey, I’m interested, and I’m ready to be part of the adventure.”
It’s an essential form you need to fill out if you’re dreaming of becoming a student at UNILORIN.
Where Can I Obtain the University of Ilorin Post UTME Application Form?
You can get the UNILORIN Post UTME form online, straight from the official UNILORIN website.
How Do I Fill Out the UNILORIN Post UTME Form?
You’ll need to log into the admissions portal on the official UNILORIN website and then follow the prompts, adding in your personal details, academic records, and of course, the course you’re keen on studying.
What is the cost of the University of Ilorin Post UTME Screening Form?
Yes, getting the UNILORIN Post UTME form does come with a price tag, but the exact cost can change each year.
The cost of the UNILORIN post-UTME form is ₦2000.
Can I Edit the UNILORIN Post UTME Form After Submission?
Once you hit the submit button on your UNILORIN Post UTME form, it’s pretty much set in stone.
You can’t make edits, so it’s super important to make sure everything is spot-on before you send it off.
What Should I Do if I Encounter Problems While Filling the University of Ilorin Post UTME ScreeningForm?
No worries if you encounter problems while filling out your form.
The University of Ilorin has a friendly admissions team that can help guide you through it. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to them for help.
Remember, while we’ve covered a lot here, if you’re ever in doubt or need the latest information, the official University of Ilorin website should be your go-to place.
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His name is Ibrahim Olamide ” the CEO of SCHOOLINFOSPOT He is a writer, poet, educational consultant, and also reporter who cherishes reporting the latest updates in educational news around the world. Also, he is committed to assisting the learners in terms of learning and other aspects. |UNILORITE|
Thanks for the information
Sir, but some peoples said it is out
Hi, the registration portal has not been enabled yet. What you heard from those people is just an assumption. The unilorin post utme portal can be active anytime from now, so keep checking for updates.
Hope this helps?
You are welcome, I’m glad it is helpful!
Pls sir, i scored 193 in jamb. Can i be admitted to study computer science in unilorin
Thanks for the information, but some say it’s out
Hi Abdulfatai, kindly check out the link below for more information about unilorin departmentental aggregate cut off mark.
The post utme form is yet to be enabled
Can’t find any link to register for the 2024/2025 post utme exam. Is the form really out? Waiting for response, thanks
Yes sir can i get unilorin post utme past question series in book shop
Hi, I’m not sure any bookshop is selling unilorin post utme past questions. But just go and get the Invisible teacher textbook, read everything there. Also, try to get a book for these topics below because the The invisible Teacher textbook doesn’t cover the aspect.
1. Phrase and Clauses
2. Types of Sentence
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question regarding unilorin post utme 2024/2025.
Sir i tried to log in but they didnt send verification code
Pls wat curse it ?
what are the subject questions for post utme
Hi Sharon, the unilorin post utme examination consist of English, Mathematics, and Current affairs. Mind you, English language carries almost the percentage of the Examination.
Is mathematics compulsory for UTME
Hello Miss/Mrs.Fareedah!
Unilorin Post UTME Screening Excercise is just 50 questions. The questions are based on the mixture of Mathematics, English Language, and Current Affairs.
For additional Information, re-read the content above.
Sir please is invisible teacher also compulsory for 2022 post utme?
And if you don’t apply for mathematics in jamb.
You will have to do it in post utme??
sir thanks for the information
Sir, when will unilorin commence the sale of 2024/2025 post utme form?
Thanks the CEO of SCHOOLINFOSPOT! We appreciate this content.
Thanks for Information
Can someone Explain this to #Me
Am typing to Pay for PostUTM After verified phone number and others.
Next is to click on #Details_box after that click on #Continue_Box… Right?
But after All Above i received this ⏬⏬🔽 Below message.
#Error: important payment parameters are missing